
Smart Pointer

Smart Pointers

  • Smart pointers are objects that store pointers to dynamically allocated (heap) memory.


String abc("abcdefg");

  • 要做的是String类内部存储的自动回收的指针,而不是String类的指针。
  • Whenever a pointer is assigned: p = q; Have to do the following

p->decrement(); // p's count will decrease 
p = q; 
q->increment(); // q/p's count will increase


  • delete this; 是合法的,但之后不应该再使用 this 指针(之后不涉及成员变量)
    #ifndef UCObject_H_
    #define UCObject_H_
    #include <assert.h> 
    class UCObject { 
        UCObject() : m_refCount(0){ } 
         * Only destruct when refCount is 0
         * assert, 因为不是对象的问题,是外部的问题。
        virtual ~UCObject() { assert(m_refCount == 0);};  
         * 不拷贝 refcount 
        UCObject(const UCObject&) : m_refCount(0) { }      
        void incr() { m_refCount++; } 
        void decr(); 
        int references() { return m_refCount; } 
        int m_refCount; 
    inline void UCObject::decr() { 
        m_refCount -= 1; 
        if (m_refCount == 0) { 
        delete this;  // goto UCObject::~UCObject()


  • 隐含了 T 必须继承自 UCObject, 这样才有 incr 的成员函数
  • 这里只要构造了对象,就会调用 increment 函数
  • 拷贝构造后要对计数加一
  • 赋值我们要先检查二者指向的是不是同一个对象
    #ifndef UCPointer_H_
    #define UCPointer_H_
    template <class T> 
    class UCPointer { 
        T* m_pObj; 
        void increment() { if (m_pObj) m_pObj->incr(); } 
        void decrement() { if (m_pObj) m_pObj->decr(); } 
        UCPointer(T* r = 0): m_pObj(r) { increment();} 
        ~UCPointer() { decrement(); }; 
        UCPointer(const UCPointer<T> & p); 
        UCPointer& operator=(const UCPointer<T> &); 
        T* operator->() const; 
        T& operator*() const { return *m_pObj; }; 
    template <class T> 
    UCPointer<T>::UCPointer(const UCPointer<T> & p){ 
        m_pObj = p.m_pObj; 
    template <class T> 
    UCPointer<T>& UCPointer<T>::operator=(const UCPointer<T>& p){ 
        if (m_pObj != p.m_pObj){ 
            m_pObj = p.m_pObj; 
        return *this; 
    template<class T> 
    T* UCPointer<T>::operator->() const { 
        return m_pObj; 
    template <class T>
    T& UCPointer<T>::operator*() const { 
        return *m_pObj; 
    Ellipse elly(200F, 300F); 
    UCPointer<Shape> p(&elly); 
    p->render(); // calls Ellipse::render() on elly!
    p->render(); 会调用 m_pObj->render()
  • Actually p has no render function, but the class m_pObj points to has render function.


  • 补: C++ 内字符串不是通过 char 的方式实现(没有 \0), 一个字符串和一个长度变量。
  • 拷贝构造时会调用 UCObject 的拷贝构造。
  • UCObject的拷贝构造永远是制造新的东西,是指向UCObject的拷贝构造
    abc = "Hello World"
    #ifndef StringRep_H_
    #define StringRep_H_
    #include <cstring.h>
    #include "UCObject.h" 
    class StringRep : public UCObject { 
        StringRep(const char *); 
        StringRep(const StringRep&); 
        int length() const{ return strlen(m_pChars); } 
        int equal(const StringRep&) const; 
        char *m_pChars; 
        // reference semantics -- no assignment op! 
        // 私有,外界不能做 StringRep 的赋值
        void operator=(const StringRep&) {}
     * 1. 传入的字符串为空,那么只有一个 \0 
    StringRep::StringRep(const char *s) { 
        if (s) { 
            int len = strlen(s) + 1; 
            m_pChars = new char[len]; 
            strcpy(m_pChars , s); 
        else { 
            m_pChars = new char[1]; 
            *m_pChars = '\0'; 
    StringRep::~StringRep() { 
        delete [] m_pChars ; 
    StringRep::StringRep(const StringRep& sr) { 
        int len = sr.length(); 
        m_pChars = new char[len + 1]; 
        strcpy(m_pChars , sr.m_pChars ); 
    int StringRep::equal(const StringRep& sp) const { 
        return (strcmp(m_pChars, sp.m_pChars) == 0); 


class String { 
    String(const char *); 
    String(const String&); 
    String& operator=(const String&); 
    int operator==(const String&) const; 
    String operator+(const String&) const; 
    int length() const; 
    operator const char*() const; 
    UCPointer<StringRep> m_rep; 
String::String(const char *s) : m_rep(0) { 
    m_rep = new StringRep(s); 
String::~String() {} 
// Again, note constructor for rep in list. 
String::String(const String& s) : m_rep(s.m_rep) {  
    // 做 UCPointer<StringRep> 的拷贝构造
String& String::operator=(const String& s) { 
    m_rep = s.m_rep; // let smart pointer do work! 
    return *this; 
int String::operator==(const String& s) const { 
    // overloaded -> forwards to StringRep 
    return m_rep->equal(*s.m_rep); // smart ptr * 
int String::length() const { 
    return m_rep->length(); 
* 这里 m_rep(0) 实际上是用 0 去做 UCP 的构造(也可以不写,因为默认 0). * new 返回的是 StringRep *, 而左边是 UCP, 这里赋值时就会把 StringRep * 转化为 UCP, 再赋值


using namespace std;
#include "String.h"
int main(){
    cout << "Hello\n";
     * 1. Construct a StringRep object with "Hello"
     * 2. Construct a UCP<StringRep> object with the StringRep object
     * 3. overlaoded '=' operator for UCP<StringRep> object
     * (m_rep = new StringRep("Hello");)
     * 4. Destructor for UCP<StringRep> object
    String a = "Hello";
     * Copy constructor for String object
     * 1.String::String(const String& s) : m_rep(s.m_rep) { //做 UCPointer<StringRep> 的拷贝构造} 
     * 2.Copy constructor for UCP<StringRep> object
     * (1) m_pObj = p.m_pObj; 
     * (2)increment(); 
    String b=a;
     * Overloaded '=' operator for String object
     * 1.Overloaded '=' operator for UCP<StringRep> object
     * So actually nothing beacuse b and a are pointing to the same object
    b = a;
    b = 'bye';
     * Overloaded '=' operator for String object
     * 1.Overloaded '=' operator for UCP<StringRep> object
    b = a;
  • UCPointer maintains reference counts
  • UCObject hides the details of the count
  • String is very clean
  • StringRep deals only with string storage and manipulation
  • UCObject and UCPointer are reusable
  • Objects with cycles of UCPointer will never be deleted
  • UCP 指向的对象永远不被删除



在 C++ 中,有四种类型转换运算符:static_castdynamic_castconst_castreinterpret_cast。它们各自有不同的用途和限制。以下是对它们的详细解释:

1. static_cast

static_cast 用于在相关类型之间进行显式转换。它主要用于以下几种情况:

  • 基本数据类型之间的转换,例如 intfloat
  • 类层次结构中向上转换(从派生类到基类)和向下转换(从基类到派生类)。
  • void* 指针转换回原类型。
  • 在用户定义的转换操作符中进行转换。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Base {};
class Derived : public Base {};

int main() {
    int a = 10;
    double b = static_cast<double>(a); // 基本数据类型转换
    cout << b << endl;

    Derived d;
    Base* basePtr = static_cast<Base*>(&d); // 向上转换
    Derived* derivedPtr = static_cast<Derived*>(basePtr); // 向下转换

    void* voidPtr = static_cast<void*>(&d); // 转换为 void*
    Derived* derivedPtr2 = static_cast<Derived*>(voidPtr); // 转换回原类型

2. dynamic_cast

dynamic_cast 用于在类层次结构中进行安全的向下转换(从基类到派生类),并且只能用于有虚函数的多态类型。如果转换失败,指针类型会返回 nullptr,引用类型会抛出 std::bad_cast 异常。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Base {
    virtual ~Base() {}

class Derived : public Base {};

int main() {
    Base* basePtr = new Derived();
    Derived* derivedPtr = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(basePtr);
    if (derivedPtr) {
        cout << "dynamic_cast 成功" << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "dynamic_cast 失败" << endl;

    delete basePtr;

3. const_cast

const_cast 用于在相同类型之间去掉或添加 constvolatile 属性。它通常用于去掉 const 属性,以便修改原本是 const 的数据。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void modify(const int* p) {
    int* modifiable = const_cast<int*>(p);
    *modifiable = 20;

int main() {
    const int a = 10;
    cout << "修改前: " << a << endl;
    cout << "修改后: " << a << endl; // 未定义行为

4. reinterpret_cast

reinterpret_cast 用于在不同类型之间进行低级别的、可能不安全的转换。它主要用于指针类型之间的转换。它不会执行任何实际的数据转换,只是简单地重新解释位模式。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    int a = 42;
    void* ptr = &a;
    int* intPtr = reinterpret_cast<int*>(ptr);
    cout << *intPtr << endl;

    // 将整数转换为指针
    intptr_t intVal = 0x12345678;
    void* voidPtr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(intVal);
    cout << voidPtr << endl;

    // 将指针转换为整数
    intVal = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(voidPtr);
    cout << std::hex << intVal << endl;


  • static_cast:用于相关类型之间的显式转换,编译时检查,不适用于所有类型之间的转换。
  • dynamic_cast:用于安全的向下转换,多态类型中使用,运行时检查,转换失败时返回 nullptr 或抛出异常。
  • const_cast:用于添加或去掉 constvolatile 属性,不改变底层数据。
  • reinterpret_cast:用于在不同类型之间进行低级别的转换,不安全,只是重新解释位模式。

最后更新: 2024年6月27日 20:29:40
创建日期: 2024年6月7日 19:11:52