Neural Networks¶
Problem: Linear Classifiers aren’t that powerful
- Image Features: Color Histogram (Neglect space information)
- Image Features: Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HoG)
- Image Features: Bag of Words (Data-Driven!)
- To show how much does each visual words appear in the image
Neural Networks¶
- 2-layer Neural Network
\(f = W_2 max(0,W_1x)\) \(W_2 \in R^{C\times H}\) \(W_1 \in R^{H\times D}\) \(x\in R^D\)
- Fully connected network \((NLP)\)
- 3-layer Neural Network
\(f = W_3 max(0,W_2 max(0,W_1 x))\) \(W_3 \in E^{C\times H_2}\) \(W_2 \in R^{H_2\times H_1}\) \(x\in R^D\)
Activation Functions¶
Remeber the two-head horse ? (now we can recongnize them !)
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import randn
# initialize weights and data
N,Din,H Dout = 64,1000,100,10
x,y = randn(N,Din),randn(N,Dout)
w1,w2 = randn(Din,H),randn(H,Dout)
# compute loss(sigmoid activation)
for t in range(10000):
h = 1.0/(1.0+np.exp(
y_pred =
loss = np.square(y_pred-y).sum()
#Compute gradients
dy_pred = 2.0 * (y_pred - y)
dw2 =
dh =
dw1 =*h*(1-h))
#SGD step
w1 -= 1e-4 * dw1
w2 -= 1e-4 *dw2
Space Warping¶
Universal Approximation¶
A neural network with one hidden layer can approximate any function \(f: R_N \to R_M\) with arbitrary precision
Output is a sum of shifted, scaled ReLUs
With 4K hidden units we can build a sum of K bumps
Reality check: Networks don’t really learn bumps!
Universal approximation tells us: Neural nets can represent any function
Universal approximation DOES NOT tell us:
Whether we can actually learn any function with SGD
How much data we need to learn a function
Remember: kNN is also a universal approximator!
Convex Functions¶
- Please Refer To PPT
- Good porperties for sigmoid
For the input that is actually the "max" the local gradient is 1
the gradient of the other is 0
- code
- Backprop Implementation: Modular API
Backprop with Vectors¶
- Example one
Backprop with Matrices (or Tensors)¶
- Explicitly demonstrate the matrices is demanding! Work Implicitly!!
- Find the correlation
- Similarly \(\frac{dy_{1,2}}{dx_{1,1}}=w_{1,2}\)
- Thus
\(\frac{dL}{dx_{1,1}}=(\frac{dy}{dx_{1,1}})·(\frac{dL}{dy})=(w1,;)·(\frac{dL}{dy_1,;})=3*2 + 2*3 +1*(-3)+(-1)*9\)
Higher-Order Derivatives¶
创建日期: 2024年2月15日 00:02:09