Relational Model¶
Store database in simple data structures (relations).
Physical storage left up to the DBMS implementation.
Access data through high-level language, DBMS figures out best execution strategy.
A relation is an unordered set that contain the relationship of attributes that represent entities.
A tuple is a set of attribute values (also known as its domain) in the relation.
- Values are (normally) atomic/scalar. --(a single integer/float... )
- The special value NULL is a member of every domain (if allowed).
n-ary Relation :Table with n columns
Primaray Keys
A relation's primary key uniquely identifies a single tuple
- Some DBMSs automatically create an internal primary key if a table does not define one.
Foriegn Keys
A foreign key specifies that an attribute from one relation has to map to a tuple in another relation.
Data Manipulation Languages (DML)¶
Methods to store and retrieve information from a database.
Relational Algebra¶
Fundamental Operations¶
\(\sigma -- Select\)
\(\pi -- Projection\)
\(\cap -- Intersection\)
\(- \ --Difference\)
\(\times --Product\)
\(⋈-- Join\)
Extra Operators¶
Example : Refer to ZJU course slides
- Rename (ρ)
- Assignment (R←S)
- Duplicate Elimination (δ)
- Aggregation (γ)
- Sorting (τ)
- Division (R÷S)
A better approach is to state the high-level answer that you want the DBMS to compute.
- Faced with different situation of data(say ,small amout vs large amout),if considered in a lower level,we have to implement different methods for different circumstances.
- We expect that ,even the situation changes, we do not have to change our queries.
创建日期: 2024年1月22日 22:57:23