Basic concept and programming introduction
Image Format¶
Digital image can be represented as a 2D array or matrix.
Grayscale:Each pixel in a grayscale image is represented by a byte (8 bits), which covers 256 degrees by [0..255]
Colour image: Each pixel in a color image is represented by 3 bytes (24 bits), which are for R (red), G (Green) and B (Blue), respectively.
BMP(Bitmap)是一种常见的图像文件格式,是Windows系统的一种标准文件格式。BMP 位图文件默认的文件扩展名是 bmp 或者 dib。大多数情况下,BMP 图像采用非压缩方式;然而,它也支持图像压缩,例如 RLE 格式。下面介绍BMP文件的具体文件结构。
BMP 图像每一行扫描由表示图像像素的连续的字节组成,每一行以四字节对齐(以0补齐)。图像的扫描行是由底向上存储的,这就是说,阵列中的第一个字节表示位图左下角的像素,而最后一个字节表示位图右上角的像素。
// 定义BMP文件头的大小为54个字节,通常情况下固定不变
#define HEADERSIZE 54
// 定义几种不同数据类型的别名,以便在代码中使用更具可读性的名称
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned short word;
typedef unsigned int dword;
// 使用#pragma pack(1)指令设置结构体的字节对齐方式为1字节
#pragma pack(1)
// 定义BMP文件头的结构体
typedef struct {
word bfType; // BMP文件的类型标识,通常为"BM"
dword bfSize; // BMP文件的大小,以字节为单位
word reserved1; // 保留字段,设置为0
word reserved2; // 保留字段,设置为0
dword bfOffset; // 位图数据的偏移量,即文件头的大小
} BMPHeader;
// 定义BMP信息头的结构体
typedef struct {
dword size; // 信息头的大小,通常为40字节
int width; // 图像的宽度,以像素为单位
int height; // 图像的高度,以像素为单位
word planes; // 颜色平面数,通常为1
word bitCount; // 每个像素的位数
dword compression; // 压缩类型
dword imageSize; // 位图数据的大小,以字节为单位
int xPixelsPerMeter; // 水平分辨率,每米的像素数
int yPixelsPerMeter; // 垂直分辨率,每米的像素数
dword colorsUsed; // 使用的颜色数
dword colorsImportant; // 重要颜色数
} BMPInfoHeader;
// 定义调色板中的一个颜色的结构体
typedef struct {
byte blue; // 蓝色分量
byte green; // 绿色分量
byte red; // 红色分量
byte reserved; // 保留字段,通常设置为0
} pallete;
// 定义包含BMP文件头、BMP信息头、调色板和位图数据的完整BMP图像的结构体
typedef struct {
BMPHeader bmph; // BMP文件头
BMPInfoHeader bmpih; // BMP信息头
pallete colours[256]; // 调色板,通常用于8位颜色索引图像
byte *bitmap; // 位图数据
} BMP;
BMP 文件 大体上分为四个部分:图像文件头(Image file header)、图像信息头(Image information header)、调色板(Palette)、图像数据字节阵列(Image data)
- 对用到调色板的位图,图像数据为该像素颜色在调色板中的索引值
- 对于真彩色图,图像数据就是实际的 R、G、B 值。
(2)BMP图像文件头(Image file header)¶
Start | Size(Byte) | Name | Purpose |
1 | 2 | bfType | Must always be set to 'BM'(0x4D42) to declare that this is a .bmp-file |
3 | 4 | bfSize | Specifies the size of the file in bytes. |
7 | 2 | bfReserved1 | Must always be set to zero. |
9 | 2 | bfReserved2 | Must always be set to zero. |
11 | 4 | bfOffBits | Specifies the offset from the beginning of the file to the bitmap data |
- \(bfOffbits\) 说明从文件头开始到实际的图象数据之间的字节的偏移量。这个参数是非常有用的,因为位图信息头和调色板的长度会根据不同情况而变化,所以你可以用这个偏移值迅速的从文件中读取到位数据。
(3)BMP图像信息头(image information header)¶
Size(Byte) | Name | Purpose |
4 | biSize | Number of bytes to define BITMAPINFOHEADER structure |
4 | biWidth | Image width (number of pixels) |
4 | biHeight | Image height (number of pixels). |
2 | biPlane | Number of planes. Always be 1. |
2 | biBitCount | Bits per pixel (Bits/pixel), which is 1, 4, 8, 16, 24 or 32. |
4 | biCompression | Compression type. Only non-compression is discussed here: BI_RGB. |
4 | biSizeImage | Image size with bytes. When biCompression=BI_RGB, biSizeImage=0. |
4 | biXPelsPerMeter | Horizontal resolution, pixels/meter. |
4 | biYPelsPerMeter | Vertical resolution, pixels/meter |
4 | biClrUsed | Number of color indices used in the bitmap (0->all the palette items are used). |
4 | biClrImportant | Number of important color indices for image display. 0->all items are important. |
- 注明 \(biHeight\) 可以表示图像是否倒置,\(biHeight\) 为正数表示倒置(inverted), 负数表示正常(upright),大多数BMP文件是倒置的位图,即 \(biHeight\)>0
- biClrUsed说明位图实际使用的彩色表中的颜色索引数(设为0的话,则说明使用所有调色板项
- biClrImportant说明对图象显示有重要影响的颜色索引的数目,如果是0,表示都重要
- 调色板的大小为\(N*4\) (bytes)。调色板中的每一项用1 字节表示蓝色分量、1 字节表示绿色分量、1 字节表示红色分量、1 字节用于填充符 (设置为 0)
这张R、G、B的表,就是我们常说的调色板(Palette),另一种叫法是颜色查找表LUT(Look Up Table),似乎更确切一些。Windows位图中便用到了调色板技术。其实不光是Windows位图,许多图象文件格式如pcx、tif、gif等都用到了。所以很好地掌握调色板的概念是十分有用的。
(5)图像数据字节阵列(Image data)¶
(1)每一行的字节数必须是4的整倍数,如果不是,则需要补齐(append zero)
也就是说,从文件中最先读到的是图象最下面一行的左边第一个象素,然后是左边第二个象素……接下来是倒数第二行左边第一个象素,左边第二个象素……依次类推 ,最后得到的是最上面一行的最右一个象素。
You do not need to turn around the rows manually. The API functions which also display the bitmap will do that for you automatically.
6 bytes that represent a row in the bitmap: | A0 37 F2 8B 31 C4 |
must be saved as: | A0 37 F2 8B 31 C4 00 00 |
利用 C 语言中的 fopen fread fwrite 进行读入、写出即可
在读入与写出的过程中,需要注意 BMP文件信息的调整,例如由24位彩色BMP转为灰色图时,需要注意调色板、位深等的调整。
FILE *inputFile = fopen("input.bmp", "rb");
// 检查文件是否成功打开
if (!inputFile) {
printf("Unable to open input BMP file.\n"); // 输出错误信息
return 0; // 退出程序
printf("successfully loaded!"); // 成功加载的提示信息
BMP bmp; // 创建一个BMP结构体变量用于存储BMP文件的信息和数据
// 从文件中读取BMP文件头和信息头
fread(&(bmp), HEADERSIZE, 1, inputFile);
int width = bmp.bmpih.width; // 获取图像的宽度
int height = bmp.bmpih.height; // 获取图像的高度
// 如果图像大小为0,则计算图像数据大小
if (bmp.bmpih.imageSize == 0) {bmp.bmpih.imageSize = bmp.bmph.bfSize - bmp.bmph.bfOffset;}
// 为位图数据分配内存
bmp.bitmap = (byte*)malloc(sizeof(byte) * (bmp.bmph.bfSize - HEADERSIZE));
// 从文件中读取位图数据
fread(bmp.bitmap, bmp.bmph.bfSize - HEADERSIZE, 1, inputFile);
fclose(inputFile); // 关闭文件
Visual Intelligence and Pattern Analysis¶
位于合适距离的物体点可以成清晰像,其他的点则会产生弥散圆 通过改变镜头的形状可以改变聚焦时的物体点所需要的距离
- 弥散圆(circle of confusion) :在焦点前后,光线开始聚集和扩散,点的影像变模糊,形成一个扩大的圆
- 如果弥散圆的直径小于人眼的鉴别能力,在一定范围内实际影像产生的模糊是不能辨认的。不能辨认的直径叫做容许弥散圆。焦点前后各有一个容许弥散圆
- 对于6寸照片,观察距离25-30cm ,大概是底片对角线1/1000-1/1500.
- 光圈的大小与景深有密切关系:焦点前后各有一个容许弥散圆,他们之间的距离叫做景深
For a given subject framing and camera position, the DOF is controlled by the lens aperture diameter, which is usually specified as the f-number, the ratio of lens focal length to aperture diameter.
Reducing the aperture diameter (increasing the f-number) increases the DOF; however, it also reduces the amount of light transmitted, and increases diffraction, placing a practical limit on the extent to which DOF can be increased by reducing the aperture diameter.
Digital camera¶
- 拍摄景物时,景物反射的光线通过数码相机的镜头透射到CCD上
- 经过放大和滤波后的电信号被传送到ADC,由ADC将电信号(模拟信号)转换为数字信号,数值的大小和电信号的强度与电压的高低成正比,这些数值其实也就是图像的数据。
- 此时这些图像数据还不能直接生成图像,还要输出到DSP(数字信号处理器)中,在DSP中,将会对这些图像数据进行色彩校正、白平衡处理,并编码为数码相机所支持的图像格式、分辨率,然后才会被存储为图像文件。
- 当完成上述步骤后,图像文件就会被保存到存储器上,我们就可以欣赏了。
Physical meaning of color¶
Colorful view is generated by the interactions between light and objects, e.g., reflection, refraction, scattering, transmission, absorption, and diffraction.
色彩可以分为彩色(chromatic color)和消色(achromatic color)两大类
- 彩色是指红、黄、蓝等单色以及它们的混合色,彩色物体对光谱各波长的反射具有选择性,所以它们在白光照射下呈现出不同的颜色
- 消色,又称非彩色,也就是我们通常所说的灰度,是指白色,黑色以及各种深浅不同的灰色。消色物体对光谱各波长的反射没有选择性,它们是中性色
Light and Colour¶
色觉(colour vision)是指不同波长的光线作用于视网膜而在大脑中引起的感觉
- \(\lambda:\ Red>Green>Blue\)
Three-primary colors¶
Perception priority and sensitivity¶
Priority: Under the same setting, human notices first the hue (H) (色调)changes, then the saturation (S) (饱和度), then the lightness value (V) (亮度).
Sensitivity: Human eyes are the most sensitive to the lightness changes and have the best resolution, which is responsible for the eyes’ HDR capacity
Definition of color space¶
- Device dependent color space model:RGB CMY HSV (HSV more similar to human's sensation)
- Device independent color space model:Most of them are defined by CIE :CIE XYZ, CIE \(L^*a^*b\), CIE YUV
RGB color model¶
RGB color model is a unit cube in a Cartesian coordinates system.
The magnitudes of each primary color are equivalent on the main diagonal line, which lead to the white color from darkness to brightness, i.e., grayscale. (0,0,0)-dark, (1,1,1)-bright.
The other 6 corners are respectively red, yellow, cyan, blue and magenta.(红、黄、绿、青、蓝和品红)
RGB is a subset of CIE primary color space.
RGB is usually used in Color cathode ray tube and Color raster graphics display (computer , TV).
CMY color model¶
油墨或颜料的3种基色是以红、绿、蓝三色的补色 : 青(Cyan)、品红(Magenta)、黄(Yellow)为基色
- CMY空间与RGB空间互补,也就是用白色减去RGB空间中的某一颜色值就等于同样颜色在CMY空间中的值
HSV color¶
HIS/HSV color space is defined based on human visual system.
- Hue, Saturation, Intensity/ValueHIS can be depicted as a cone
- Top surface of cone: \(V=1\), which includes R=1, G=1, B=1.
- Hue: around the axis: RED-- \(0^o\) , GREEN-- \(120^o\) , BLUE-- \(240^o\)
- Saturation: along the radial direction.
- Bottom point of cone: \(V=0\),\(H =null, S=null\), for darkness.
- Center of the top surface: \(S=0, V=1, H=null\), for brightness.
- Close to human color vision.
- When using RGB or CMY, if you want to change hue, you must adjust R, G, and B at the same time. But using HSV, you DON’T have to do that. Only ONE channel is adjusted.
- HSV color model is a uniform color space, linearly distributed. The color difference perception is proportional to Euclidean distance on the HSV cone volume.
CIE color model¶
CIE color model¶
- A series of color models according to the response of human eyes to RGB, which are carefully measured.
Device independent:
- Such color models are used to define device-independent color.
- Help people to reproduce color consistently on different devices such as scanner, monitor, and printer. CIE color modelsCIE XYZ, CIE \(L^*a^*b\) CIE YUV etc.
XYZ concept is based on the three-primary color theory, which describes human eyes have RGB receptors and all other color are mixture of RBG.
Computed by using functions\(\overline{x(\lambda)},\overline{y(\lambda)},\overline{z(\lambda)}\)
\(Y_{xy}\)color space given in 1931: Y->luminance, x,y are color coordinates computed based XYZ.
- Describes the color range human can perceives.
CIE \(L^*a^*b\)¶
- Defined in 1976
- Modification of CIE XYZ
- Overcomes the un-proportional problem in Yxy color space: \(x,y\) distance does not reflect the color difference you observe.
- L: lightness a: green to red b: blue to yellow
- L,a, b can be adjust separately.
- 是CIE XYZ颜色模型的改进型,以便克服原来的Yxy颜色空间存在的在x,y色度图上相等的距离并不相当于我们所觉察到的相等色差的问题
- 它的“L”(明亮度),“a”(绿色到红色)和“b”(蓝色到黄色)代表许多的值
- 与XYZ比较,CIE \(L^*a^*b*\) 颜色更适合于人眼的感觉
- 颜色的亮度(L)、灰阶和饱和度(a,b)可以单独修正,这样,图像的整个颜色都可以在不改变图像或其亮度的情况下,发生改变。
- 如果只有Y信号分量而没有U、V分量,那么这样表示的图就是黑白灰度图
- 彩色电视采用YUV空间正是为了用亮度信号Y解决彩色电视机与黑白电视机的兼容问题,使黑白电视机也能接收彩色信号。
Transformation between color spaces¶
\(RGB->CMY\\ C = 255 – R\\ M = 255 – G\\ Y = 255 – B\\\)
Search in table:
- CIE has defined transformation tables
- Compute directly
RGB<->CIE XYZ in a computable way¶
\(\begin{gathered}\begin{bmatrix} X \\ Y \\ Z\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix} 0.608 & 0.714 & 0.200 \\0.299& 0.587&0.133 \\0.000 &0.066& 1.112\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} R \\ G\\ B\end{bmatrix}\quad\end{gathered}\)
RGB 和 YUV 的相互转化¶
- RGB可以浮点表示方式:取值范围为
0.0 ~ 1.0
0 ~ 255
或者00 ~ FF
。RGB 颜色模型 通常用于彩色阴极射线管和彩色光栅图形显示器(计算机和电视机采用)。 -
的颜色编码是流媒体的常用编码方式,这种表达方式起初是为了彩色电视与黑白电视之间的信号兼容;其中:Y:表示明亮度(Luminance 或 Luma),也称灰度图。U、V:表示色度(Chrominance 或 Chroma),作用是描述影像的色彩及饱和度,用于指定像素的颜色。
- RGB转化为YUV的公式如下:
\(\begin{gathered}\begin{bmatrix} Y \\ U \\ V\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix} 0.299 & 0.587 & 0.114 \\ −0.147& −0.289 &0.435 \\0.615 &−0.515& −0.100\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} R \\ G\\ B\end{bmatrix}\quad\end{gathered}\)
- YUV 转化为RGB的公式如下:
\(\begin{gathered}\quad\quad\begin{bmatrix} R \\ G \\ B\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix} 1.0000 &0.0000& 1.3707 \\1.0000& −0.3376 &-0.6980 \\ 1.0000&1.7324& 0.0000\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} Y \\ U\\ V\end{bmatrix}\quad\end{gathered}\)
- 由BMP彩色图转为灰度图时,只需将RGB转为YUV,并只保留 Y分量 即可得到灰度图在调节BMP图片亮度时,只需将RGB转为YUV,改变 Y 分量的值,随后将 YUV 转回 RGB 即可得到被更改过亮度的图片
JPEG Format¶
File extension: .JPEG, .JFIF, .JPG, .JPE
Compression format for static image :
As a counterpart of Moving Picture Expert Group.
Lossy encoding method
Allow user to make balance between image quality and image size.
Encoding based on transformation, e.g. Discrete Cosine Transformation (DCT)JPEG2000 is based on wavelet.
Different manipulations for high-frequency signal and low-frequency signal.
Compression Strategy¶
Compression strategy: According to the requirement of compression ratio, remove information from high frequency to low frequency.
- High frequency information occupies much more memory. Hence, high frequency removal leads to high compression ratio
- Low frequency information preserves the principle structure and color distribution of object, which is the key factors of an image.
- Suitable for internet based visual media.
- 高频信息占用存储空间大,减少高频信息更容易获得高压缩比
- 低频信息可以保留物体的基本轮廓和色彩分布,最大限度维持图像质量
- 适合用于互联网
- 人眼对于一个相对较大范围的区域,辨别色彩细微差异能力比较强(低频),但对于高频区域,却表现一般
- 受此启发,人们可以对高频部分进行量化,也就是说,把频域上的每个分量,除以针对该分量的常数,然后四舍五入取整,这样一般会把高频分量变为0
- 但这样操作就要求针对每一个分量设置一个常数值,所以就最终形成了量化表。
More specifically,refer to the PPT(Chapter I)
- Not for line drawing, text, symbol, icon, etc..
- Its lossy compression leads to unavoidable artifacts.
TIFF format¶
GIF format¶
Chains are used for description of object borders
Chains can be represented using static data structures (e.g., 1D arrays); their size is the longest length of the chain expected.
Run length encoding (RLE)¶
RLE is run-length encoding. It is used to encode the location of foreground objects in segmentation. Instead of outputting a mask image, you give a list of start pixels and how many pixels after each of those starts is included in the mask.
- In binary images, run length coding records only areas that belong to the object in the image,the area is then represented as a list of lists.
- Each row of the image is described by a sublist, the first element of which is the row number. Subsequent terms are coordinate pairs; the first element of a pair is the beginning of a run and the second is the end.
- There can be several such sequences in the row.
创建日期: 2024年1月5日 16:04:01