
Exception & File


Exceptions are a mechanism for handling errors in C++ programs. They are used to signal that an error has occurred and to specify what should be done to handle the error.

  • The significant benefit of exceptions is that they clean up error handling code.

  • It separates the code that describes what you want to do from the code that is executed.


  • 找不到文件
  • 文件虽然存在但是打不开(没有权限、被别的进程打开)
  • 文件大小判断失败(可能是一个串口,不是磁盘上的文件,串口是没有结束的)

可以 fseek 到文件末尾,再 ftell 末尾的值。

errorCodeType readFile { initialize errorCode = 0;
    open the file;
    if ( theFilesOpen ) { 
        determine its size;
        if ( gotTheFileLength ) { 
            allocate that much memory;
            if ( gotEnoughMemory ) { 
                read the file into memory;
                if ( readFailed ) { 
                    errorCode = -1;
             }else {
                errorCode = -2;
        } else {
            errorCode = -3;
        close the file;
        if ( theFILEDidntClose && errorCode == 0 ) { 
            errorCode = -4;
    }else {
        errorCode = errorCode and -4;
    } else {
        errorCode = -5;
    return errorCode;
  • 代码中的错误码是什么意思?--可读性差
    try {
        open the file;
        determine its size;
        allocate that much memory;
        read the file into memory;
        close the file; 
    catch ( fileOpenFailed ) { doSomething; } 
    catch ( sizeDeterminationFailed ) { doSomething; } 
    catch ( memoryAllocationFailed ) { doSomething; } 
    catch ( readFailed ) { doSomething; } 
    catch ( fileCloseFailed ) { doSomething; }


template <class T> class Vector { 
    T* m_elements; 
    int m_size; 
    Vector (int size = 0) : 
    m_size(size) ... 
    ~Vector () { delete [] m_elements; } 
    void length(int); 
    int length() { return m_size; } 
    T& operator[](int); 
  • 问题:当用户试图访问一个不存在的元素时,应该怎么处理?

    T& Vector::operator[](int index) { 
        if (index < 0 || index >= m_size){
            throw "Index out of range"; 
        return m_elements[index]; 

  • Assertion vs. Exception

  • Assertion is used to check for bugs in the program.
  • Exception is used to check for errors in the program.
  • 抛异常之后,后续的代码都不会执行(没遇到的 try{} 的大括号都可以看作异常),然后往外走。
  • 上面这里 throw 之后,如果大括号是语句就离开语句,如果是函数就离开函数,如果是 try{}, 我们就判断匹配一个异常类

class VectorIndexError { 
    VectorIndexError(int v) : m_badValue(v) { } 
    ~VectorIndexError() { } 
    void diagnostic() { cerr << "index " << m_ badValue << "out of range!"; } 
    int m_badValue; 
template <class T> 
T& Vector::operator[](int index) { 
    if (index < 0 || index >= m_size) 
        throw VectorIndexError(index); 
    return m_elements[index]; 
void outer2() { 
String err("exception caught"); 
try {
} catch (VectorIndexError) { 
    cout << err; 
    throw; // propagate the exception 

  • try 后面可以跟任意数量的 catch.

Two forms

catch (SomeType v) { // handler code } catch (...) { // handler code }

  • throw 可以抛的任意类型, int/double/... 也是可以的。一般不会抛原始数据类型,因为表达的信息有限。通常会做一个类,抛类的对象。
  • Handlers are checked in order of appearance 按顺序匹配,先匹配前面的,匹配成功后不会寻求下一个匹配。
  • Check for exact match Apply base class conversions Reference and pointer types, only
  • 对象会进行基类转换。一般把子类放在前面。
  • Ellipses (...) match all
  • new does NOT returned 0 on failure.
  • new raises a bad_alloc() exception.

void abc():throw (MathErr);

  • 如果有这个声明,那么这个函数里面就不能抛出其他异常,只能抛出 MathErr 异常。抛出了其他异常,编译器会报错,终止程序。
    Printer::print(Document&) : throw(PrinterOffLine, BadDocument) { ... }
    PrintManager::print(Document&) : throw (BadDocument) { ... }// raises or doesn’t handle BadDocument 
    void goodguy() : throw () { }// handles all exceptions 
    void average() { } // no spec, no checking,
  • 1.表示会抛 PrinterOffLine, BadDocument 异常。(不一定抛,但可能)
  • 3.表示不会抛任何异常,这样调用的时候不需要 try catch.
  • 4.可能会抛异常,但是编译器不会进行检查。


    1. in C++ , exception is not a routine and not for good design.
    1. Exception in constructor : 先分配内存,再执行构造
      f() {
          A *p = new A();
          delete p;
  • 如果构造的时候出异常, p 无法得到分配的地址,但是内存却没有被析构。内存泄漏! Solve:
  1. Never New?
  2. Catch error and delete this:必须是一个局部对象,不能是一个全局对象。
    • 如果是new error类,需要记得同时delete error类. c++ Error *p = new Error(); ... catch (Error e) { delete e; delete this; }
    • 如果是全局的error类,等堆栈清空的时候,会自动析构。
  3. Altimate: 两阶段构造:构造函数不做任何事情(打开网络,读取文件等),只是分配内存,然后用explicit的init函数(第二阶段构:需要主动调用)来初始化 * 也就是说构造函数不允许抛异常,只有init函数可以抛异常。

Complement : stream

int get()
while((ch=cin.get())!=EOF) {

最后更新: 2024年6月27日 20:29:40
创建日期: 2024年6月7日 19:11:52