Basic data Structures II
Some defs¶
- Complete graphs
\(Undirected \ V=n \ \ \ \ E=C_n^2=\frac{n(n-1)}{2}\)
\(Directed \ V=n \ \ \ \ E=2*C_n^2=n(n-1)\)
- Adjacent
\(Undirected \ : (v_i,v_j)\ is \ incident \ on\ v_i\ and\ v_j\)
\(Directed \ : v_i \ is\ adjacent\ to \ v_j \ \ \ \ \ v_j \ is\ adjacent\ from \ v_i\)
Simple Path
\(Undirected:\) An undirected graph G is connected if every pair of distinct \(v_i\) and \(v_j\) are connected
- A tree = a graph that is connected and acyclic.
Strongly connected directed graph G = for every pair of \(v_i\) and \(v_j\) in V( G ), there exist directed paths from \(v_i\) to \(v_j\) and from \(v_j\) to \(v_i\).
If the graph is connected without direction to the edges, then it is said to be weakly connected
Strongly connected component : the maximal subgraph that is strongly connected
- A DAG = a directed acyclic graph.
- Degree: Number of edges incident to v.
For a directed G, we have in-degree and out-degree.
Representation of Graphs¶
Adjacency Matrix¶
\(adj_- mat[i][j]=\left\{\begin{array}{l} 1 \ if (v_i,v_j) \ or <v_i,v_j> \in E(G)\\0\ \ otherwise \end{array}\right.\)
If G is undirected the matrix is symmetric,thus sorting only half of the matrix
The trick is to store the matrix as a 1-D array: adj_mat [ $n(n+1)/2 $] = \({ a_{11}, a_{21}, a_{22}, ..., a_{n1}, ..., a_{nn} }\)
The index for \(a_{ij}\) is \(i( i - 1 )/2+j\).
\(\begin{align*}degree(i) &= \sum_{j=0}^{n-1}adj_-mat[i][j] \ (If\ G\ is\ undirected)\\ & \ \ +\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}adj_-mat[j][i]\ (If\ G\ is\ directed)\end{align*}\)
Adjacency Lists¶
- Undirected
Degree( \(i\) ) = number of nodes in graph[ \(i\) ] (if \(G\) is undirected).
T of examine (whether complete) E(G) = O( n + e )
- Directed
A. Add inverse adjacency lists
Adjacency Multilist¶
- The space taken :\((n+2e)\) ptrs + \(2e\) ints and “mark” is not counted.
- Sometimes we need to mark the edge after examine it,and then find the next edge.This representation makesit easy to do so.
Topological Sort¶
AOV Network¶
Digraph G in which V( G ) represents activities ( e.g. the courses ) and E( G ) represents precedence relations
- i is a predecessor of j \(:\) there is a path from i to j.
- i is an immediate predecessor of j \(:\) \(< i, j >\in E( G )\) then \(j\) is called a successor ( immediate successor ) of i.
- Partial order \(:\) a precedence relation which is both transitive and irreflexive.
If the precedence relation is reflexive, then there must be an i such that i is a predecessor of i.
That is, i must be done before i is started. Therefore if a project is feasible, it must be irreflexive.
- Feasible AOV network must be a dag (directed acyclic graph).
topological order¶
A topological order is a linear ordering of the vertices of a graph such that, for any two vertices, i, j, if i is a predecessor of j in the network then i precedes j in the linear ordering.
Test an AOV for feasibility, and generate a topological order if possible.
Method One \(T=O(|V|^2)\)
void Topsort( Graph G )
{ int Counter;
Vertex V, W;
for ( Counter = 0; Counter < NumVertex; Counter ++ ) {
V = FindNewVertexOfDegreeZero( );
if ( V == NotAVertex ) {
Error ( “Graph has a cycle” ); break; }
TopNum[ V ] = Counter; /* or output V */
for ( each W adjacent to V )
Indegree[ W ] – – ;
- Method Two. \(T = O( |V| + |E| )\)
void Topsort( Graph G )
{ Queue Q;
int Counter = 0;
Vertex V, W;
Q = CreateQueue( NumVertex ); MakeEmpty( Q );
for ( each vertex V )
if ( Indegree[ V ] == 0 ) Enqueue( V, Q );
while ( !IsEmpty( Q ) ) {
V = Dequeue( Q );
TopNum[ V ] = ++ Counter; /* assign next */
for ( each W adjacent to V )
if ( – – Indegree[ W ] == 0 ) Enqueue( W, Q );
} /* end-while */
if ( Counter != NumVertex )
Error( “Graph has a cycle” );
DisposeQueue( Q ); /* free memory */
Midterm Review¶
Which of the following statements is TRUE about topological sorting? (5分)
- If a graph has a topological sequence, then its adjacency matrix must be triangular.
- If the adjacency matrix is triangular, then the corresponding directed graph must have a unique topological sequence.
- In a DAG, if for any pair of distinct vertices Vi and Vj, there is a path either from Vi to Vj or from Vj to Vi, then the DAG must have a unique topological sequence.
- If Vi precedes Vj in a topological sequence, then there must be a path from Vi to Vj.
3 is true
Shortest Path Problem¶
1.Single-Source Shortest Path Problem¶
- Unweighted Shortest Path
void unweighted(Table T){
int CurrDist;
Vertex V,W;
for(each vertex V){
for(each W adjacent to V){
But the time complexity is \(O(|V|^2)\)
- Note: If V is unknown yet has \(Dist < Infinity\),then Dist is either \(CurrDist\) or \(CurrDist +1\)(Remember Tree?)
void unweighted (Table T){
Queue Q;
Vertex V,W;
T[V].known=true;//not really necessary
for(each W adjacent to V){
- \(T=O(|V|+|E|)\)
Dijkstra's Algorithm(for weighted shortest paths)¶
void Dijkstra(Table T){
//T is initialized by Figure 9.30 on p 303
Vertex V,W;
V=smallest unknown distance vertex;
for(each W adjacent to V){
Decrease(T[W].Dist to T[V].Dist+Cvw);
- Implementation 1
\(T = O( |V|^2 + |E| )\)
Initialization: The initialization phase involves traversing all vertices, setting their distances to infinity, and setting the initial vertex's distance to 0. The time complexity of this step is O(V), where V is the number of vertices.
Main Loop: The number of iterations in the main loop depends on the number of vertices. In each iteration, the algorithm selects the smallest unknown distance vertex V and then traverses all vertices W adjacent to V. For each W, it checks if there is a shorter path through V to W, and if so, it updates the distance of W.
The time complexity of this step is \(O(V^2)\), as, for each vertex V, all vertices adjacent to V are considered.
Finding the Minimum Distance Vertex: In the main loop, the algorithm needs to find the smallest unknown distance vertex V. The time complexity of this step is O(V^2), as it needs to check the distance of each vertex.
In summary, the time complexity of the Dijkstra algorithm is \(O(V^2)\).
Implementation 2
V = smallest unknown distance vertex: Keep distances in a priority queue and call DeleteMin – \(O(log|V|)\)
Decrease( T[ W ].Dist to T[ V ].Dist + Cvw )
- Method 1: DecreaseKey – \(O(log|V|)\)
\(T = O( |V|log|V|+|E|log|V|)=O(|E|log|V|)\) ----Good if the graph is sparse
- Method 2: insert \(W\) with updated Dist into the priority queue.
Must keep doing DeleteMin until an unknown vertex emerges
\(T = O(|E| log|V| )\) but requires \(|E|\) DeleteMin with \(|E|\) space
Graphs with Negative Edge Costs¶
- Why don’t we simply add a constant to each edge and thus remove negative edges? --Path with different count of PATHS!
void WeightedNegative( Table T )
{ Queue Q;
Vertex V, W;
Q = CreateQueue (NumVertex ); MakeEmpty( Q );
Enqueue( S, Q ); /* Enqueue the source vertex */
while (!IsEmpty(Q)){
V=Dequeue(Q);/* each vertex can dequeue at most |V| times */
for(each W adjacent to V){
if ( T[ V ].Dist + Cvw < T[ W ].Dist ){/* no longer once per edge */
T[ W ].Dist = T[ V ].Dist + Cvw;
T[ W ].Path = V;
if(W is not already in Q){Enqueue(W,Q)}
}/* end-if update */
}/* end-while */
DisposeQueue( Q ); /* free memory */
Acyclic Graphs¶
If the graph is acyclic, vertices may be selected in topological order since when a vertex is selected, its distance can no longer be lowered without any incoming edges from unknown nodes.
\(T=O(|E| + |V|)\) and no priority queue is needed.
Application: AOE ( Activity On Edge ) Networks —— scheduling a project
All-pairs Shortest path problem¶
Network Flow Problem¶
Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm¶
If the edge capabilities are rational numbers, this algorithm always terminate with a maximum flow.
The algorithm works for G with cycles as well.
1.An augmenting path can be found by an unweighted shortest path algorithm.¶
\(T = O( f\cdot|E| )\) where f is the maximum flow.
2.always choose the augmenting path that allows the largest increase in flow.¶
\(「modify\ Dijkstra’s\ algorithm\ 」\)
\(\begin{align*}T&=T_{argmentation}*T_{find\ a\ path}\\ &=O(E)log(cap_{max})*O(|E|log|V|)\\ &= O( |E|^2log|V|).\end{align*}\) if capmax is a small integer
3.Always choose the augmenting path that has the least number of edges.¶
Simple \(BSF\) Unweighted shortest path algorithm
\(\begin{align*}T&=T_{argmentation}*T_{find\ a\ path}\\ &=O(E)*O(|E||V|)\\ &= O( |E|^2|V|).\end{align*}\)
- If every v \(\notin\) { s, t } has either a single incoming edge of capacity 1 or a single outgoing edge of capacity 1, then time bound is reduced to \(O( |E| |V|^{1/2} )\).
- The min-cost flow problem is to find, among all maximum flows, the one flow of minimum cost provided that each edge has a cost per unit of flow.
Minimum Spanning Tree¶
- A spanning tree of a graph G is a tree which consists of \(V( G )\) and a subset of \(E( G )\)
- The minimum spanning tree is a tree since it is acyclic -- the number of edges is |V| – 1.
- It is minimum for the total cost of edges is minimized.
- It is spanning because it covers every vertex.
- A minimum spanning tree exists iff G is connected.
- Adding a non-tree edge to a spanning tree, we obtain a cycle.
(1) we must use only edges within the graph
(2) we must use exactly |V| -1 edges
(3) we may not use edges that would produce a cycle.
1.Prim’s Algorithm – grow a tree¶
2.Krukal’s Algorithm – grow a tree¶
void Kruskal ( Graph G )
{ T = { } ;
while ( T contains less than |V| - 1 edges
&& E is not empty ) {
choose a least cost edge (v, w) from E ; /* Delete Min */
delete (v, w) from E ;
if ( (v, w) does not create a cycle in T ) /Union Find/
add (v, w) to T ;*
discard (v, w) ;
if ( T contains fewer than |V| - 1 edges )
Error ( “No spanning tree” ) ;
Applications of Depth-First Search¶
void DFS ( Vertex V ) /* this is only a template */
{ visited[ V ] = true; /* mark this vertex to avoid cycles */
for ( each W adjacent to V )
if ( !visited[ W ] )
DFS( W );
/* T = O( |E| + |V| ) as long as adjacency lists are used */
- v is an articulation point if G’ = DeleteVertex( G, v ) has at least 2 connected components.
- G is a biconnected graph if G is connected and has no articulation points.
- A biconnected component is a maximal biconnected subgraph.
find the biconected components of a connected undirected graph G¶
Directed case¶
Refert to
A directed graph is strongly connected if there is a path between all pairs of vertices. A strongly connected component (SCC) of a directed graph is a maximal strongly connected subgraph.
- DFS search produces a DFS tree/forest
- Strongly Connected Components form subtrees of the DFS tree.
- If we can find the head of such subtrees, we can print/store all the nodes in that subtree (including the head) and that will be one SCC.
There is no back edge from one SCC to another (There can be cross edges, but cross edges will not be used while processing the graph).
Case1 (Tree Edge): If node v is not visited already, then after the DFS of v is complete, a minimum of low[u] and low[v] will be updated to low[u]. low[u] = min(low[u], low[v])
- Case 2 (Back Edge): When child v is already visited, then a minimum of low[u] and Disc[v] will be updated to low[u]. low[u] = min(low[u], disc[v]);
Euler Circuit¶
- 欧拉回路(Euler circuit)为包含所有边的简单环,欧拉路径(Euler path)为包含所有边的简单路径
- 无向图
- 无向图 G 有欧拉回路当且仅当 G 是连通的且每个顶点的度数都是偶数
- 无向图 G 有欧拉路径当且仅当 G 是连通的且有且仅有两个顶点的度数是奇数
- 有向图
- 有向图 G 有欧拉回路当且仅当 G 是弱连通的且每个顶点的出度等于入度
- 有向图 G 有欧拉路径当且仅当 G 是弱连通的且有且仅有一个顶点的出度比入度大 1,有且仅有一个顶点的入度比出度大 1,其余顶点的出度等于入度
- The path should be maintained as a linked list.
- For each adjacency list, maintain a pointer to the last edge scanned.
- T = \(O( |E| + |V| )\)
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 1005; // 假设最大节点数为1005
int G[maxn][maxn]; // 邻接矩阵表示图
int deg[maxn]; // 节点的度
int ans[maxn]; // 存储结果的数组
int ansi = 0; // 结果数组的索引
bool visited[maxn]; // 标记节点是否被访问过
void dfs(int x) {
for (int y = 1; y <= maxn; ++y) {
if (G[x][y]) {
G[x][y] = G[y][x] = 0;
ans[++ansi] = x;
int main() {
// ... 读取输入,初始化 G 和 deg
int cnt = 0, root = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= maxn; ++i) {
if (deg[i] % 2) {
if (!root) root = i;
if (!root) {
for (int i = 1; i <= maxn; ++i) {
if (deg[i]) {
root = i; break;
if (cnt && cnt != 2) {
cout << "No Solution\n";
return 0;
// 输出结果
for (int i = ansi; i > 0; --i) {
cout << ans[i] << ' ';}
cout << '\n';
return 0;
Hamilton cycle¶
创建日期: 2023年11月15日 16:07:42