
NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis



Overfit a single neural network for a particular scene to train an overfitted nerual network which represents the scene.

Input : \((x,y,z,\theta,\phi)\): \((x,y,z)\) is the space location and \((\theta,\phi)\) is the viewing direction

Output : (colour, density)

Therefore, when the network is well-overfitted, it can give you results depending on the given viewing directions -- Catch Transparency and Colour.


a. Sample 5D coordinates along camera rays.

b. Feed those locations into an MLP to produce a color and volume density.


\(F_{\Theta}\) :

  1. Process the input 3D coordinate with 8 fully-connected layers (with ReLU activations and 256 channels per layer)

  2. Output \(\sigma\) and a 256-dimensional feature vector.

  3. Concatenate the feature vector with the camera ray's viewing direction and passed to one additional fully-connected layer (using ReLU activation and 128 channels.)

  4. It outputs the view-dependent RGB colour.

From above we can see that, NeRF encourages the representation to be multivies consistent by restricting the network to predict the volume density \(\sigma\) as a function of ONLY the location, while we allow the RGB colour to be predicted as a fucntion of both location and viewing direction.

c. Use volume rendering techniques to composite these values into an image

d. The rendering function is differentiable, we optimize the scene representation by minimizing the residual between synthesized and ground truth observed images.

The weight is the scene

Detailed Parts

Neural Radiance Field Scene Representation

  • Volume density \(\sigma(x)\) : differential probability of a ray terminating at an infinitesimal particle at location x

  • \(C(r)\) : The expected color of ray \(r(t) = o+td\) with near and far bound \(t_n\) and \(t_f\)

  • \(T(t)\) : accumulated transmittance along the ray from \(t_n\) to \(t\) ,i.e., the probability that the ray travels from \(t_n\) to \(t\) without hitting any other particle. And therefore \(T(t)=exp(-\int_{t_n}^{t}\sigma(r(s))ds)\)



Thus , \(C(r) = \int_{t_n}^{t_f} T(t) \sigma(r(t))c(r(t),d)dt\)​ : Clearly color depends on both position and direction.


Numerically estimate this continuous integral using quadrature and finally we get:


Optimizing a Neural Radiance Field

Positional Encoding

Better Performace at representing high-frequency variation

Reform \(F_{\theta}\) as a composition of two functions \(F_{\theta}=F_{\theta}'*\gamma\) one learned and one not.

  • \(\gamma\) is a mapping from \(R\) into a higher dimensional space \(R^{2L}\) and \(F_{\theta}'\) is still simply a regular MLP.



Hierarchical volume sampling

Implement two networks: Use the result of the coarse network to determine where to sample in the fine network.

  • one "coarse"
  • one "fine"

To do this, we rewrite the alpha composited color from thecoarse network \(\hat{C}_c(r)\) as a weighted sum of all sampled colors \(c_i\)​ along the ray.


Normalize the wights as \(\hat{w}_i=\frac{w_i}{\sum_{j=1}^{N_c}w_j}\) , we sample a second set of \(N_f\) locations from the distribution using inverse transform sampling (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_transform_sampling)

Compute the final result using all \(N_c + N_f\)​ samples(Training Time), at test time use ONLY fine network.

Implementation Details


最后更新: 2024年7月11日 00:14:41
创建日期: 2023年12月27日 18:58:21