
Self-Supervised Learning


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Idea of self-supervision:

  • Obtain labels from raw unlabeled data itself
  • Predict parts of the data from other parts

Task-specific Models

Unsupervised Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion


Depth Estimation Network

Specifically, at training time, we have access to two images \(I^l\) and \(I^r\) , corresponding to the left and right color images from a calibrated stereo pair, captured at the same moment in time.

Instead of trying to directly predict the depth, we attempt to find the dense correspondence field \(d_r\) that, when applied to the left image, would enable us to reconstruct the right image. We will refer to the reconstructed image \(I^l(d_r)\) as \(\tilde{I}^r\)​. Similarly, we can also estimate the left image given the right one, \(\tilde{I}^l =I^r(d_l)\).

Assuming that the images are rectified , \(d\) corresponds to the image disparity - a scalar value per pixel that our model will learn to predict. Given the baseline distance \(b\) between the cameras and the camera focal length \(f\), we can then trivially recover the depth \(\hat{d}\) from the predicted disparity, \(\hat{d}=bf/d\)​​​.

Simultaneously infer both disparities (left-to-right and right-to-left), using only the left input image, and obtain better depths by enforcing them to be consistent with each other.

  • Naively learning to generate the right image by sampling from the left


Digging Into Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation


Unsupervised Learning of Optical Flow

  • Refer to Slides and Paper.

Pretext Tasks

A pretext (adj: pretextual) is an excuse to do something or say something that is not accurate. Pretexts may be based on a half-truth or developed in the context of a misleading fabrication. Pretexts have been used to conceal the true purpose or rationale behind actions and words

Visual Representation Learning by Context Prediction


  • Care has to be taken to avoid trivial shortcuts (e.g., edge continuity)

  • A network can predict the absolute image location of randomly sampled patches In this case, the relative location can be inferred easily. Why is this happening?

  • Aberration: Color channels shift with respect to the image location

Solution: Random dropping of color channels or projection towards gray

Visual Representation Learning by Solving Jigsaw Puzzles

  • Refer to Slides and Paper

Contrastive Learning

Can we find a more general pretext task?

  • Pre-trained features should represent how images relate to each other
  • They should also be invariant to nuisance factors (location, lighting, color)
  • Augmentations generated from one reference image are called “views”

I Given a chosen score function \(s(·, ·)\), we want to learn an encoder f that yields high score for positive pairs \((x, x+)\) and low score for negative pairs \((x, x−)\):\(s(f(x), f(x+)) ≫ s(f(x), f(x−))\)



  • Remaining Refer To Slides and Paper

Barlow Twins

  • Refer to Slides and Paper

最后更新: 2024年3月25日 12:53:47
创建日期: 2024年2月26日 15:13:14