Recap: Rendering Equation¶
- \(BRDF\) : \(Radience_{out}/Irradiance_{in}\)
Simplifying the Rendering Equation¶
Dropping the dependency on λ and p for notational simplicity, and considering a single point light source located in direction s, the rendering equation simplifies as follows:
Assuming a purely diffuse material with albedo (=diffuse reflectance) BRDF(s, v) = ρ , further simplifies to the following equation (Lout becomes independent of v): \(L_{out} = ρ · L_{in} · (−n^⊤·s)\)
For simplicity, we further eliminate the minus sign by reversing the orientation (definition) of the light ray s and obtain:
\(L_{out} = ρ · L_{in} · n^⊤s\)
Gradient Space Representation
- 2 degrees of freedom of \(\vec{n}\)
\((p,q)=(-\frac{\partial z}{\partial x},-\frac{\partial z}{\partial y})\)
- Assuming \(ρ · L_{in} = 1\), the reflectance becomes:
Reflectance Map
- The stereographic mapping projects each point on the surface of the sphere, along a ray from one pole, onto a plane tangent to the opposite pole.
Shape-from-Shading Formulation
Assumption: image irradiance (=intensity) should equal the reflectance map:\(I(x, y) = R(f(x, y), g(x, y))\)
SfS thus minimizes:
\(E_{image}(f,g)=\iint (I(x,y)-R(f,g))^2dxdy\)
- Goal: Penalize errors between image irradiance and reflectance map
However, as we have seen, this problem is ill-posed (unknowns > observations)
Numerical Shape-from-Shading
To constrain this ill-posed problem, SfS exploits two additional constraints:
- Smmothness:
Goal: Penalize rapid changes in surface gradients \(f\) and \(g\)
\(E_{smooth}(f,g)=\iint (f_x^2+f_y^2+g_x^2+g_y^2)dxdy\) with gradients \(f_x=\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}\) \(f_y=\frac{\partial f}{\partial y}\)
- Occluding Boundaries:
Goal: Constrain normals at occluding boundaries where they are known
Surface Integration¶
Given the surface gradients (from above methods) \((p,q)=(-\frac{\partial z}{\partial x},-\frac{\partial z}{\partial y})\) how can we recover the 3D surface / depth map?
Assuming a smooth surface, we can solve the following variational problem
$E(z)=\iint[(\frac{\partial z}{\partial x}+p)^2+(\frac{\partial z}{\partial y}+q)^2]dxdy $
efficiently using the discrete Fast Fourier Transform (Frankot and Chellappa, 1988).
Photometric Stereo¶
Instead of smoothness constraints, add more observations per pixel
Take K images of the object from same viewpoint (e.g., with a tripod) but with different (known) point light source each
Per-pixel estimation of normal and albedo or material
Also assumes far camera/light
Reflectance Maps¶
Photometric Stereo Formulation¶
- If \(s_3 = αs_1 + βs_2\)
i.e., if all three light sources \(s_1, s_2, s_3\) and the origin \(p\) lie on a 3D plane, the linear system becomes rank-deficient and thus there exists no unique solution \(\tilde{n} = S^{-1}I\).
- Better results can be obtained by using more images (by averaging noise):
Photometric Stereo Algorithm¶
- Compute surface normals and albedo values (per pixel)
- Integrate depth from surface normals
- Relight the object (here: with uniform albedo)
- For color images, apply PS to each channel separately to obtain color albedo
- Deviations from Lambertian assumption and global illumination cause errors
Deep Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo(not single light ray)¶
Refer to PPT
Volumetric Fusion¶
- Explicit
- Implicit
3 Steps:
- Depth-to-SDF Conversion
- Volumetric Fusion
- Mesh Extraction
Depth-to-SDF Conversion¶
As the distance to surface is unknown, approximate it with distance along ray
- Take the voxel center that intersect with a particular ray and meaure the distance
This approximation is good only in the vincinity of the surface (often suffices)
Volumetric Fusion¶
- Orthographic Example
After conversion, calculate average of the discrete SDF fields
The implicit surface will be an average of the two original ones
- Formulation
- Thus constant time
Mesh Extraction¶
Deep Marching Cubes¶
创建日期: 2024年2月8日 17:45:07