Attention and Transformers¶
Log on probability : Preserve precision :
- 特别小的数字 negative 保留精度
- 求导easy
- prevent 梯度消失
Sequence to Sequence with RNNs¶
- During training, we feed the gold (aka reference) target sentence into the decoder, regardless of what the decoder predicts. This training method is called Teacher Forcing.
- Use Teacher forcing & feed decoder predictions together. 3:7 ?
How to Pass Hidden State?¶
Problem: Input sequence bottlenecked through fixed-sized vector. What if T=1000?
Sequence to Sequence with RNNs and Attention¶
- Repeat:
Use \(s_1\) to compute new context vector \(c_2\)
Use \(c_2\) to compute \(s_2\), \(y_2\)
- The decoder doesn’t use the fact that \(h_i\) form an ordered sequence – it just treats them as an unordered set \(\{h_i\}\).
Image Captioning using spatial features¶
Original Version¶
Input: Image I
Output: Sequence y = \(y_1, y_2,..., y_T\)
Encoder: \(h_0\) = \(f_W(z)\) where z is spatial CNN features \(f_W(.)\) is an MLP
Decoder: \(y_t = g_V(y_{t-1},h_{t-1}, c)\) where context vector c is often \(c = h_0\)
Image Captioning with RNNs and Attention¶
Attention idea: New context vector at every time step.Each context vector will attend to different image regions
This entire process is differentiable:
- model chooses its own attention weights. No attention supervision is required.
Each timestep of decoder uses a different context vector that looks at different parts of the input image.
Attention Layer¶
Attention operation is permutation invariant. - Doesn't care about ordering of the features - Stretch H x W = N into N vectors
Change \(f_{att}\) to a simple dot product - only works well with key & value transformation trick (will mention in a few slides)
Change \(f_{att}(.)\) to a scaled simple dot product - Larger dimensions means more terms in the dot product sum. - So, the variance of the logits is higher. Large magnitude vectors will produce much higher logits. - So, the post-softmax distribution has lower-entropy, assuming logits are IID. - Ultimately, these large magnitude vectors will cause softmax to peak and assign very little weight to all others - Divide by √D to reduce effect of large magnitude vectors
Notice that the input vectors are used for both the alignment as well as the attention calculations. - We can add more expressivity to the layer by adding a different FC layer before each of the two steps. * Self Attention Layer does not CARE about the order of the input vectors! * Use positional encoding to give the model some notion of order.
Desiderata of pos(.) :
- It should output a unique encoding for each time-step (word’s position in a sentence)
- Distance between any two time-steps should be consistent across sentences with different lengths.
- Our model should generalize to longer sentences without any efforts. Its values should be bounded.
- It must be deterministic.
Masked Self Attention¶
- Prevent vectors from looking at future vectors.
- Manually set alignment scores to infinity
- Commonly used for language modeling tasks
Multi-Head Attention¶
Image Captioning with Transformers¶
创建日期: 2023年12月27日 18:58:21