
Generative Models

Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning

Refer to Slides.

Discriminative vs Generative Models

Details see slides.

Discriminative Model: Learn a probability distribution \(p(y|x)\)

  • Only competitions among different labels.
  • No competitions between images.

Assign labels to data

Feature learning (with labels)


  • No way for the model to handle unreasonable inputs : it must give label distributions for all images

Generative Model: Learn a probability distribution \(p(x)\)

  • All possible images compete with each other for probability mass.
  • Evaluation should consider samples which may not appear in training process.

Detect outliers

Feature learning (without labels)

Sample to generate new data

Conditional Generative Model: Learn \(p(x|y)\)

  • Each possible label induces a competition among all images

Assign labels, while rejecting outliers!

Generate new data conditioned on input labels


  • Bayes's Rule


We can build a conditional generative model from other components!

  • Build conditional Generative Model from Discriminative Model & Generative Model


Autoregressive models

  • Refer to 《统计学习方法》,就是优化极大似然函数.


\(\begin{align*}p(x) &= p(x_1,x_2,x_3,...x_T)\\ &=p(x_1)p(x_2|x_1)p(x_3|x_1,x_2)....\\&=\Pi_{t=1}^Tp(x_t|x_1,...x_{t-1})\end{align*}\)

  • We’ve already seen this! Language modeling with an RNN!

Pixel RNN



  • How to get \(2N-1\) ? ---- Diagnal Order.

Pixel CNN

  • Training: maximize likelihood of training images \(p(x) = \Pi_{i=1}^np(x_i|x_1,...x_{i-1})\)



  • Can explicitly compute likelihood \(p(x)\)

  • Explicit likelihood of training data gives good evaluation metric

  • Good samples


  • Sequential generation \(\to\)​ slow

Improving PixelCNN performance

  • Gated convolutional layers
  • Short-cut connections
  • Discretized logistic loss
  • Multi-scale
  • Training tricks - Etc...

Variational Autoencoders

Variational Autoencoders (VAE) define an intractable density that we cannot explicitly compute or optimize.

But we will be able to directly optimize a lower bound on the density !

(Regular, non-variational) Autoencoders

Unsupervised method for learning feature vectors from raw data x, without any labels


Problem: How can we learn this feature transform from raw data?

Idea: Use the features to reconstruct the input data with a decoder “Autoencoding” = encoding itself


  • Somehow Compress the input data.

  • After training, throw away decoder.

  • Encoder can be used to initialize a supervised model.


Autoencoders learn latent features for data without any labels! Can use features to initialize a supervised model

  • Not probabilistic: No way to sample new data from learned model

Variational Autoencoders

  • Learn latent features z from raw data.
  • Sample from the model to generate new data.


  • Assume simple prior \(p(z)\) eg. Unit , Gaussian.
  • If we could observe the z for each x, then could train a conditional generative model p(x|z)

Basic idea: maximize likelihood of data

  • We don’t observe z, so need to marginalize: \(p_{\theta}(x) = \int p_{\theta}(x,z)dz = \int p_{\theta}(x|z)p_{\theta}(z)dz\)

Problem: Impossible to integrate over all z!

  • Another idea: Try Bayes’ Rule: \(\frac{p_{\theta}(x|z)p_{\theta}(z)}{p_{\theta}(z|x)}\)

Problem: No way to compute this! \(p_{\theta}(z|x)\)

Solution: Train another network (encoder) that learns \(q_{\Phi}(z|x)\approx p_{\theta}(z|x)\)

Use encoder to compute \(q_{\Phi}(z|x)\approx p_{\theta}(z|x)\)


最后更新: 2024年4月21日 10:20:14
创建日期: 2023年12月27日 18:58:21