
Randomized Algorithm

Randomized Algorithms

[Example] The Hiring Problem

  • Hire an office assistant from headhunter
  • Interview a different applicant per day for N days
  • Interviewing \(Cost = C_i\) << \(Hiring Cost = C_h\)
  • Analyze interview & hiring cost instead of running time

Assume M people are hired.Total Cost: \(C = O(NC_i + MC_h)\)

Naïve Solution

int Hiring ( EventType C[ ], int N )
{   /* candidate 0 is a least-qualified dummy candidate */
    int Best = 0;
    int BestQ = the quality of candidate 0;
    for ( i=1; i<=N; i++ ) {
        Qi = interview( i ); /* Ci */
        if ( Qi > BestQ ) {
            BestQ = Qi;
            Best = i;
            hire( i );  /* Ch */
    return Best;
Worst Case: \(O(N)\) interviews, \(O(N)\) hires, \(O(N)\) comparisons

Assume candidates are randomly ordered.
* X = number of hires. E[X] = \(\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} i·Pr[X=i]\) * $ X_i = \begin{array}{ll} 1 if i is hired \ 0 otherwise \end{array}$ * \(Pr[X_i = 1] = \frac{1}{i}\) * E[X] = Expected number of hires = \(E[\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} X_i] = \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} E[X_i] = \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} \frac{1}{i} = O(\log N) +O(1)\) * \(O(C_h \log N + NC_i)\)

Randomized Solution

int RandomizedHiring ( EventType C[ ], int N )
{   /* candidate 0 is a least-qualified dummy candidate */
    int Best = 0;
    int BestQ = the quality of candidate 0;

    randomly permute the list of candidates;

    for ( i=1; i<=N; i++ ) {
        Qi = interview( i ); /* Ci */
        if ( Qi > BestQ ) {
            BestQ = Qi;
            Best = i;
            hire( i );  /* Ch */

Radomized Permutation Algorithm

  • Target : Permute array A[ ]

    Assign each element A[ i ] a random priority P[ i ],and sort

    void PermuteBySorting ( ElemType A[ ], int N )
        for ( i=1; i<=N; i++ )
            A[i].P = 1 + rand()%(N3); 
            /* makes it more likely that all priorities are unique */
        Sort A, using P as the sort keys;

  • What's the possibility of no two priorities being the same? \(\frac{A_{N^3}^N }{(N^3)^N}\)

online Hiring Algorithm

int OnlineHiring ( EventType C[ ], int N, int k )
    int Best = N;
    int BestQ = - infinity ;
    for ( i=1; i<=k; i++ ) {
        Qi = interview( i );
        if ( Qi > BestQ )   BestQ = Qi;
    for ( i=k+1; i<=N; i++ ) {
        Qi = interview( i );
        if ( Qi > BestQ ) {
            Best = i;
    return Best;

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[Example] Quicksort

  • Central splitter := the pivot that divides the set so that each side contains at least \(n/4\)
  • Modified Quicksort := always select a central splitter before recursions


最后更新: 2024年5月20日 15:14:18
创建日期: 2024年5月20日 15:14:18