

AVL Tree

  • An empty binary tree is height balanced.

  • If T is nonempty binary tree with \(T_L\) and \(T_R\) as its left and right subtrees,then \(T\) is height balanced iff

(1)\(T_L\) and \(T_R\) are height balanced

(2)\(|h_L-h_R|\le 1\) where \(h_l\) and \(h_R\) are the heights of \(T_L\) and \(T_R\)​​

  • Balance Factor \(BF(node)\) = \(h_L\)-\(h_r\)

In an AVL Tree , \(BF(node)\) = \(-1,0,or\ 1\)

  • The height of an empty tree is defined to be \(–1\)

Tree Rotation

  • Changes Sturcture without intefering 3
  • Time complexity: \(O(1)\)

Rotation for AVL Tree

  • RR Rotation

  • LL Rotation

  • RL Rotation

  • LR Rotation

Details refer to slides.


勘误 : \(n_h \approx \frac{1}{\sqrt{5}}(\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2})^{h+3} - 1\)

Splay Trees

Target : Any \(M\) consecutive tree operations starting from an empty tree take at most \(O(M log N)\) time. * For any nonroot node \(X\) , denote its parent by \(P\) and grandparent by \(G\)


  • 其实不是 Single rotation,也是要两次\((Zig-Zig)\) : 先转 \(P\)再转\(X\)
  • \(Zig-Zag\) only rotate \(X\)


Amortized Analysis

  • Amotized bound : Probability is not involved !

worst case bound > amortized bound > average case bound

Aggregate analysis

Show that for all n, a sequence of n operations takes worst-case time \(T(n)\) in total.

In the worst case, the average cost, or amortized cost, per operation is therefore \(T(n)/n\).

Accounting method

When an operation’s amortized cost \(\hat{c}_i\) exceeds its actual cost \(c_i\) , we assign the difference to specific objects in the data structure as credit. Credit can help pay for later operations whose amortized cost is less than their actual cost.


Potential Method

  • Refer to Book Potential Function

Red-Black Tree

  • Technique : Create \("哨兵" \ \ \ "虚拟节点"\)


  • Every node is either red or black.
  • The root is black.
  • Every leaf (\(NIL..哨兵\)) is black.
  • If a node is red both its children are black.
  • For each node,all simple paths from the node the descandent leaves(哨兵) contain the same number of black nodes.


The number of black nodes from the node to its descandent leaves (without counting NIL & itself)


A red-black tree with N internal nodes has height at most \(2ln(N +1)\)​.




Sketch : Insert & Colour red ; Pass Error to Root

  • Then Pass Error to the Root and turn it to black.


  • For case 2 -- Ensure that the right child of 7 is not red !!

Refer to 算法导论 !

  • Loop ends when z.p is black

  • Color the root black after the loop








  • Case 3 : To have a red far nephew.

  • Case 4 : (1) change colour of ? and w (2) far nephew change black (3) make brother new root

Beacuse property 5 holds so descants of w have no black node




  • See AVL Deletion

B+ Tree


A B+ tree of order M is a tree with the following structural properties:

  • The root is either a leaf or has between 2 and M children.
  • All nonleaf nodes (except the root) have between \(「M/2\)(上取整) and \(M\) children.
  • All leaves are at the same depth.
  • Assume each nonroot leaf also has between \(「M/2\)(上取整) and M children.

Root can have less children like when constructing.

Btree  Insert ( ElementType X,  Btree T ) 
    Search from root to leaf for X and find the proper leaf node;
    Insert X;
    while ( this node has M+1 keys ) {
            split it into 2 nodes with (M+1)/2 and (M+1)/2 keys, respectively;
            if (this node is the root)
                create a new root with two children;
            check its parent;
    // Every iteration O(M)

\(Depth = O(log_{M/2}N)\)

\(T_{insert} = O(M* Depth)=O(logN*M/logM)\)

\(Y_{find} = O(logN)\)

最后更新: 2024年6月25日 22:43:06
创建日期: 2024年2月28日 15:10:09