
Lecture 2 - Regular Expressions

Definition :

Regular Expression

\(a(a\cup b)^nb\) is a regular expression over \(\{a,b\}\)

\(L(R) = \{w \in \{a,b\}^* | w\ is\ a\ string\ that\ starts\ with\ a\ and\ ends\ with\ b\}\)

Automic Regular Expression

  • \(\emptyset\) : \(L(\emptyset) = \emptyset\)
  • \(a\in \Sigma\) : \(L(a) = \{a\}\)

Composition of Regular Expression

  • \(R_1\cup R_2\) : \(L(R_1\cup R_2) = L(R_1)\cup L(R_2)\)
  • \(R_1R_2\) : \(L(R_1R_2) = L(R_1)L(R_2)\)
  • \(R_1^*\) : \(L(R_1^*) = [L(R_1)]^*\)

Precedence of Regular Expression

  • \(* > \cdot > \cup\)


Theorem 1: Language of Regular Expression is Regular

最后更新: 2024年9月15日 15:48:04
创建日期: 2024年9月15日 15:48:04