Training Neural Networks¶
One time setup¶
Activation Functions¶
3 problems
- Saturated neurons “kill” the gradients > Zero gradients
- Sigmoid outputs are not zero-centered > Always positive
What can we say about the gradients on w?
- Always all positive or all negative :(
- For a single element! Minibatches help
- \(exp()\) is a bit compute expensive
\(f(x) = max(0,x)\)
- Does not saturate (in +region)
- Very computationally efficient
- Converges much faster than sigmoid/tanh in practice (e.g. 6x)
Not zero-centered output
what is the gradient when x < 0?
Leaky ReLU¶
Exponential Linear Unit (ELU)¶
Scaled Exponential Linear Unit (SELU)¶
- Scaled version of ELU that works better for deep networks
- “Self-Normalizing” property; can train deep SELU networks without BatchNorm
Derivation takes 91 pages of math in appendix...
Activation Functions: Summary¶
- Don’t think too hard. Just use ReLU
- Try out Leaky ReLU / ELU / SELU / GELU if you need to squeeze that last 0.1%
- Don’t use sigmoid or tanh
Data Preprocessing¶
- Refer to Slides (lec 10)
Weight Initialization¶
Q: What happens if we initialize all W=0, b=0?
A: All outputs are 0, all gradients are the same! No “symmetry breaking”
- Next idea: small random numbers (Gaussian with zero mean, std=0.01)
Works ~okay for small networks, but problems with deeper networks.
- Example
All activations tend to zero for deeper network layers
Q: What do the gradients \(dL/dW\) look like? -- All zero, no learning
- Activation Statistics
- Xavier Initialization
For CNN : Din will be \(input\_channels*kernel\_size*kernel\_size\)
- What about ReLU?
- Kaiming / MSRA Initialization
- Residual Networks
Add term to the loss¶
- In each forward pass, randomly set some neurons to zero Probability of dropping is a hyperparameter; 0.5 is common
p = 0.5
import numpy as np
def train_step(X):
H1 = np.maximum(0,,X)+b1)
U1 = np.random.rand(*H1.shape)<p
H1 *=U1
H2 = np.maximum(0,,H1)+b2)
U2 = np.random.rand(*H2.shape)<p
H2* = U2
out =,H2)+b3
Dropout makes our output random! -- Want to “average out” the randomness at test-time
\(y = f(x) = E_z[f(x,z)]=\int p(z)f(x,z)dz\)
But this integral is actually a bit hard
Consider a single neuron
- During Traning
- During Testing
- At test time, drop nothing and multiply by dropout probability
def predict(x):
H1 = np.maximum(0,,X)+b1)*p
H2 = np.maximum(0,,H1)+b2)*p
out =,H2)+b3
At test time all neurons are active always.
We must scale the activations so that for each neuron: output at test time = expected output at training time
p = 0.5
def train_step(X):
H1 = np.maximum(0,,X)+b1)
U1 = np.random.rand(*H1.shape)<p
H1 *=U1
H2 = np.maximum(0,,H1)+b2)
U2 = np.random.rand(*H2.shape)<p
H2* = U2
out =,H2)+b3
def predict(x):
H1 = np.maximum(0,,X)+b1)*p
H2 = np.maximum(0,,H1)+b2)*p
out =,H2)+b3
More common: “Inverted dropout”
p = 0.5
def train_step(X):
H1 = np.maximum(0,,X)+b1)
U1 = np.random.rand(*H1.shape)<p /p
H1 *=U1
H2 = np.maximum(0,,H1)+b2)
U2 = np.random.rand(*H2.shape)<p /p
H2* = U2
out =,H2)+b3
def predict(x):
H1 = np.maximum(0,,X)+b1)
H2 = np.maximum(0,,H1)+b2)
out =,H2)+b3
Data Augmentation¶
Fractional Pooling¶
Stochastic Depth¶
- All above refer to slides
Training dynamics¶
Learning rate schedule¶
hyperparameter optimization¶
After training¶
Model ensemble¶
transfer learning¶
large-batch training¶
创建日期: 2024年2月17日 22:32:01