
Join Algorithms

Nested Loop Join

Naive Nested Loop Join

Block Nested Loop Join

Index Nested Loop Join

  • All Above refer to Slides.

Sort Merge Join

sort R,S on join keys
cursorR  Rsorted, cursorS  Ssorted
while cursorR and cursorS:
    if cursorR > cursorS:
        increment cursorS
    if cursorR < cursorS:
        increment cursorR (and possibly backtrack cursors)
    elif cursorR and cursorS match:
    increment cursorS


Sort cost(R):\(2M∙ (1 + ⌈log_{B-1}⌈M/ B⌉⌉)\) Sort cost(S):\(2N∙ (1 + ⌈log_{B-1}⌈N/ B⌉⌉)\) Merge cost:\((M + N)\) Total cost:\(2M∙ (1 + ⌈log_{B-1}⌈M/ B⌉⌉) + 2N∙ (1 + ⌈log_{B-1}⌈N/ B⌉⌉) + (M + N)\)


The worst case for the merging phase is when the join attribute of all the tuples in both relations contains the same value

Cost: (M ∙ N) + (sort cost)

WHEN IS SORT-MERGE JOIN USEFUL? * One or both tables are already sorted on join key. * Output must be sorted on join key. * The input relations may be sorted either by an explicit sort operator, or by scanning the relation using an index on the join key.

Hash Join


Simple Hash Join

4 5

Optimization:Probe Filter

  • Create a probe filter. 6

  • First look in Bloom filter then check hash(because bloom filter is in cache,so it's faster!)


Partition Phase: Hash both tables on the join attribute into partitions Probe Phase: Compares tuples in corresponding partitions for each table 7 9 8


If a partition does not fit in memory,recursively partition it with a different hash function * Repeat as needed * Eventually hash join the corresponding (sub-)partitions

If a single join key has so many matching records that they don’t fit in memory, use a block nested loop join for that key 10 * Worst case: attribute are all the same then recursive hash is not useful. 12 11 * A relation does not need recursive partitioning if \(M > n_h + 1\), or equivalently \(M > (b_s/M) + 1\), which simplifies (approximately) to \(M > \sqrt{b}_s\).

Hybrid Hash Join

最后更新: 2024年5月17日 15:36:16
创建日期: 2024年5月17日 15:36:16